Monday, February 04, 2008

What more do we need in a president?

He can speak, he can imagine, he can inspire.... he can dance and sing.... what more does America need...?

Barack OBollywood


jinni said...

Nice one,Talatu.We can roll with this guy,am sure he can teach Shah Rukhan and Peter Abraham some moves,NAMASTE!

Unknown said...

Ms Takatu, love the homage to Bollywood. Couldn't get the full effect though due to the sound misbehaving on the computer.

Christian Writer said...

TC, overnight you have acquired a large following in my house with this Bollywood thing. Exactly how you managed to track this clip on YouTube is beyond us but it provided many minutes of wonderful laughter.

On a serious note, this side of the pond, we are watching and waiting for the results of Super Tuesday with deep interest. God bless America, God's own country.

Talatu-Carmen said...

LOL... you don't want to know how I found that... after many hours of fruitless procrastination on YouTube, when I should be finishing up my proposal, I'm afraid.

I don't know about God's own country... but I sure will be thanking God if Obama wins...

Just placed my absentee vote and am flouting little "Obama 08" buttons on my coat and backpack... To wholeheartedly engage in the political process, for once, is rather exciting.

Unknown said...

I see you can't take dissent, filtering out my comment. Very well ... last time I'm posting to your blog.
Just know you're an intellectual hypocrite, hope your students don't get to see this side of you.

Talatu-Carmen said...


I do not filter comments on this blog with the exception of those that use excessively obscene/spam-like language or those in which people include private contact information. As you might remember, I did filter one of your comments a year and a half ago on a professional topic, but contacted you on your blog to get permission to do so, which you gave me.

I have doublechecked my "comments-to-be-posted" and have not gotten any comments from you in about a month. I've had one other person in the history of this blog complain that I "filtered" his comments, and, again, that was a time that I did not recieve the content. I asked him to repost his comment. He did so, and I posted it, even when it was not flattering to me.

It might be blogger or it might be your web browser, but it is not me.


Unknown said...

Okay then, sorry C. I should have known better than to think you'd be that small-minded.
Thing is, all I said was that Obama was an empty suit. I couldn't see how anyone could take any offense at that. ;-)

Talatu-Carmen said...


To be honest, I was rather surprised that you hadn't yet surfaced to rant about the "empty suitedness" of Obama, so the apparent comment-eating blog explains the mystery.

I'm reading the Audacity of Hope right now, when not writing my dissertation proposal, and I am totally blown away by it... but you are entitled to your opinion.

Good luck with YOUR decision on who to vote for. You have a promising crop of Republicans there... hehehe...

Unknown said...

Nope, I'm staying home this election. I don't like any of them enough to make the journey to the voting booth so I'll do my civic duty by abstaining. Don't want to be blamed for helping plunge the country into the abyss for God knows how many years.

At this rate, I'd rather vote for Hilly Clinton.

What a name, Audacity of Hope. That's so meaningless, don't you think? Of course not, you've gone and drunk the Kool Aid.

Jennifer A. said...

Fellow Obama

Someone told me that Obama has some secrets, and that he's not what everyone thinks he is. But I realize that we're all innately human, and whoever God puts on the throne will rule according to the decisions and authority given by God.

Wishing America the best next president...

*Still in love with Obama*