Sunday, March 18, 2007

Back from the ALA, Dennis Brutus et moi (and driving again...)

(South African poet) Dennis Brutus and me last night at the ALA after party. I have to thank my friend F. for dragging me along to get this photo.

It was a good time, although Morgantown is a little out of the way. Just got back about an hour ago, and too tired to write about it right now.

But, I'm finally driving again. I think I scared everyone in the car on Wednesday when I first started driving (first time in about 5 years) by going on the rumble strip when trying to pass a big truck, but I quickly grew accustomed to it again. In fact, I enjoy it. Perhaps, now, I can think more seriously about renting a car when I need to. Observation from a recently revived driver: the drivers of SUVs and little red cars seem to have aggressive personalities...

More later...


uknaija said...

Welcome back. Lucky you-studied Brutus in high school lit... Lovely outfit...did you get to meet Helon?

Talatu-Carmen said...


thanks. unfortunately, something came up and Helon was not able to make it. So that was the most disappointing thing about the trip for me, but hopefully we will be able to carry out the interview via phone or email. and, yes, it was fantastic to be able to wander around in the vicinity of Dennis Brutus, Nawal El-Saadawi etc., who were there as honoured guests.

Unknown said...

Welcome back, C. What's with the sweated-out name tag?

Talatu-Carmen said...

haha, thanks fred. actually, the nametag was fine. the watery appearance of the nametag is because i have an expired photo programme in which I cannot figure out how to "draw on" the photo. So, in a somewhat inept attempt to cover my name, I used the red-eye reduction feature, which didn't really cover my name very well and contributed to the "soaked" look. ai me.